Quotes of the Day

Monday, Sep. 06, 2004

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Style Watch: Rattan Revolution
Diversions: All Talk
Food: Season to Taste
Outdoors: Comfy Camping

Homeowners delight in being rocked by movie-theater sound effects in their family rooms and cooking like real chefs on their own professional ranges. If the goal of the modern house is never having to leave it, Singapore-based Osim is hoping its new full-body massage chair will keep the tense and weary glued to their seats. The iSymphonic AV can detect its user's acupressure points, custom-tailoring each massage to the particular stresses of the day. With leg rests that expand to accommodate people of all heights and a remote control, the iSymphonic is being touted as the easiest chair of them all. Hook your stereo or TV into it, and the chair also rubs you in rhythm. "We all know music relaxes the mind," says Osim representative Alan Tan.

For those interested in revving up, the chair can also stimulate. "You can see an exciting movie, watch a concert, or just watch MTV and feel like you're there," Tan says. Sound from the TV or hi-fi translates into pulses in the chair, allowing daredevils to feel like they're swinging from the rooftops with Spiderman, while dancers can shake it with OutKast without ever getting up from the chair. Osim introduced the iSymphonic AV in Asia this spring, and a version without the video hookup will hit Britain and Ireland this winter for around $6,300. But buyers beware: this chair is sure to heat up competition for Dad's favorite seat in the living room—not to mention the remote. Close quote

  • Jeninne Lee-St. John
  • Sit Back and Enjoy
| Source: Sit Back and Enjoy